The girls went to the Homecoming dance this year. It was Layni first school dance. She went with a group of girls, as she is only 15. Kairsti went with Craig Lewis and a few more of her friends. They both said that they had a great time.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Jeff went on a "man trip" to Alaska for a week in July. He brought home a box full of delicious fish!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
We haven't done fireworks since the girls were little. This year we decided not to be party poopers and went out and got some. We went over to our friends and they had more than enough for everyone also. Jeff had a little toomuch fun blowing things up, maybe that's why we stoppedgetting them. Hehehe
I was able to go to camp with the girls for a couple of days this year. They just happened to be the dry days that week. They had a big storm hit their camp and were totally rained out one night, they weren't able to even sleep in their tents. They still went on with their activities and ended up having a lot of fun. One evening the stake had a race for each ward to do a modest paper towel dress. Kairsti was the paper towel model for our ward. The dress turned out so cute that Kairsti didn't want to take it off. Being the fire hazard that it was, she did eventually tear it off.
Notice Kairsti's fat cheeks! She got them out the day after school was out. They were impacted so it wasn't an easy pull job. She had every day and night booked not believing that she was going to be in pain. She had them out on Thursday morning and tried to go to her friends party that night. LOL. She ended up staying for 45 minutes and passing out. We had a Laurel sleep over at our house the next night which she refused to cancel. She had another friend party on Saturday night, went to church on Sunday and then off to camp on Monday for theweek. Her pain pills were her best friends for awhile. Layni preformed with the North High band at the Cardinal game on Monday before she went to camp. She had a greattime sitting with her friends and watching the game aftertheir performance. She wasn't too excited about her two bandcamps and all the summer practices she had for marching bandbut it ended up being worth it in the end. Their marching bandis outstanding!
My Mom & Dad came out from Utah to visit usat the end of May. We did the "arch" and a fewsights around this area. The girls were still in schoolso I was the only one that was able to go to Nauvoowith them. We all really enjoyed their visit andhope they come back soon!